Understanding XRF Sample Cups and Their Applications

X-ray fluorescence (XRF) spectroscopy is a widely used analytical technique for determining the elemental composition of materials across various industries. A critical component in this process is the XRF sample cup, which serves as the container for liquid or powdered samples during analysis. The quality of these cups directly impacts the accuracy, reliability, and consistency of analytical results, making them an essential part of any XRF setup.

The Role of XRF Sample Cups in Spectroscopy

XRF sample cups are designed to securely hold samples and create a consistent interface between the sample and the XRF instrument. They are typically made from high-density polyethylene (HDPE) to ensure chemical inertness, structural integrity, and compatibility with a range of analytical conditions. Properly designed sample cups prevent sample leakage, contamination, or data inconsistency, ensuring accurate results.

In XRF spectroscopy, precise sample preparation is key to achieving reliable outcomes. The physical and chemical properties of the sample cup, such as its resistance to thermal exposure, chemical interactions, and structural deformation, play a vital role in maintaining the integrity of the analysis.

Key Features of High-Quality XRF Sample Cups

High-quality XRF sample cups are distinguished by several critical features that enhance their performance:

  • Material Compliance: Compliant with safety and environmental standards such as RoHS.
  • Purity of Construction: Free from whitening agents or additives that may affect X-ray fluorescence measurements.
  • Enhanced Attachment: Designed for secure and consistent attachment of thin-film support materials.
  • Thermal and Radiation Resistance: Engineered to perform under thermal stress and irradiation during analysis.
  • Chemical Compatibility: Resistant to interactions with a wide variety of sample substances.
  • Low Impurities: Manufactured with minimal trace element contamination to prevent interference in sensitive measurements.

These attributes ensure that the sample cups provide reliable performanceacross a wide range of analytical scenarios, supporting accurate and repeatableresults.

ASTM D4294 and the Importance ofReliable Sample Cups

ASTM D4294 is a globally recognized test method for determining sulfurcontent in petroleum and petroleum products using energy-dispersive XRFspectrometry. This method requires precise sample preparation to maintain theintegrity of the analysis. High-quality XRF sample cups are essential forcompliance with ASTM D4294, as they prevent leakage, contamination, andinconsistencies in sample handling. By using premium sample cups, laboratoriescan meet the stringent demands of this standard, ensuring both accuracy andrepeatability.

Fenix: Supplying Premium XRF SampleCups

At Fenix, we are committed to providing laboratories and researchfacilities with premium XRF sample cups that meet the highest industrystandards. Our sample cups are designed with precision and manufactured usinghigh-quality materials to ensure:

  • Chemical Inertness: Preventing sample interaction for consistent results.
  • Structural Integrity: Withstanding demanding analytical conditions.
  • Thin-Film Compatibility: Supporting a wide range of thin-film materials for sample containment.

With our XRF sample cups, laboratories can enhance the reliability andaccuracy of their elemental analyses while maintaining compliance withinternational standards such as ASTM D4294.

For more detailed information about our XRF sample cups, please visit ourXRF Sample Cups page.


The selection of appropriate XRF sample cups is crucial for achievingprecise and reliable analytical results. High-quality sample cups, like thosesupplied by Fenix, play a vital role in ensuring the accuracy of XRFspectroscopy. By choosing the right sample cups, laboratories can improve theirworkflows, meet stringent standards, and achieve dependable results inelemental analysis.


XRF Tests, XRF Sample Cups, ASTM D4294, x-ray fluorescence

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